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Blog » Event round-up (Jul 2023)

Event round-up (Jul 2023)

A summary of our CAT Coffee events in July. Have a look at upcoming CAT events on our Meetup.

🎤 Jul 27: Breene Murphy joined us for a talk and discussion about climate investing and employee action. One take-away from the talk was that fossil fuels are simply not a good investment at this point. Breene also recommended the tool if you want to build your own investment portfolio. We captured more notes on Outline and will publish the video on our YouTube soon.

👋 Jul 20: CAT volunteer Clare hosted an online cross-continental networking session for CATs using the platform Gatheround again!

🇦🇹 Jul 12: CAT member Björn organised a #local-austria meetup in Vienna! Around 12 attendees joined for discussions and even a little code demo! Head to the #local-austria channel to chat or help organise the next one. If you’re somewhere else on the globe and want to organise a CAT co-owned meetup, let folks in your #local channel know and tag @Sandra.

▶️ Jul 4: We met for a watch party on How Airships Could Overcome a Century of Failure. After seeing the video, we discussed how there might be more problems than benefits. And we reflected on how the companies presenting in the video are mainly thinking about business (extraction & luxury) as an application for this tech which to us didn’t feel great. Might airships create more problems than they solve? See more notes here. Or watch the video and share your thoughts in the thread.

Find out more about our events or sign up for upcoming CAT events on our Meetup (note that you need to join Slack before joining MeetUp).